i just got back this morning from the quack. I was expecting the worst. Most i got was a flu shot.
BP normal, he confirmed after me testing four times a day my blood sugars were back down.
A common assumption is diabetes eat a lot, thats what makes them fat.
i got a fat gut too, and i can tell with certainly i eat much less than the regular person.
a doctor told me one time i store energy efficiently, and this goes back to my ancestory, and if you didn't do this,
lots of times in the wintertime starvation.
I had a come to Jesus moment about a month ago, high readings all the way around.
was able to bring it back down when i started checking my blood sugar reading four times a day, and with the addition of humolog U100 lispro before main meals.
It's a constant battle for all diabetics.
i like to tell the doctor my dad died from a heart attack at 62. He was a hypertensive diabetic. I have beat him ten years so far age wise.
The real issue for me is i could probably survive easily on about 1000 calories a day.