Nice rig. I aint 25 no mo. frown

Lengels gunshop sold archery, used to have a 30" draw Hoyt Prohunter at 100#.

" Draw at own risk".

Folks would oo and ahh over it. My skinny azz would take it from the rack and draw it like one would in normal draw.

That freaked em.

Then Id do it lefthanded.

Roundwheeler helped. My PSE Mach 4 went 96# and w release i couldnt do it. My bow arm elbow would buckle.
92 was doabke but wore me out. Dropped to 86 for a while and eventually settled on 82. I shot it indoors and for 3d.

Nowadays a 60# tight hotrod bow w big cams just hurts.
But i can run the Hoyt cam and a half at 70# no prob.

Still, a thumper bow like yours is way cool.