Just a quick update. My cousin has been in the ICU since I started this thread. He has been intubated at least 3 times, improving to the point where the doctors remove the tube and then regressing to the point where he needs to be intubated again. He has undergone several surgeries to repair mitrovalves in his heart, which cause leaking into his lungs, which in turn, cause breathing difficulties. The bottom line is that he needs a Heart/Liver transplant. He is aware of all this and the doctors have explained everything to him. He has received visits from family, including his two girls (~13 & 18) and he has finally recovered to the point that the doctors have listed him as a transplant candidate on the national transplant waiting list. He cannot get one transplant w/ out the other. I do not know the odds of a liver and a heart becoming available at the same time, but they can't be good. Hopefully, a miracle will happen for him, a heart and liver becomes available and that he makes it through what is an extremely complicated surgery without any further complications.

l told my pap and mam I was going to be a mountain man; acted like they was gut-shot. Make your life go here. Here's where the peoples is. Mother Gue, I says, the Rocky Mountains is the marrow of the world, and by God, I was right.
- Del Gue