Originally Posted by deerstalker
Originally Posted by smokepole
Don't almost all municipalities have laws banning eating, drinking, and smoking on public transportation?

don't mean those laws are right!

True, but they are in place for a reason, kind of like leash laws for dogs, If your dog''s off leash and not bothering anyone/anything, no problem. But some knucklehead dog owners can't seem to grasp that so we have leash laws for nuisance dogs and their owners.

Same with eating and drinking on public transportation, if it's anything goes, some knuckleheads will abuse the priveilege, trash the place, spill sodas on the seats and what not.

And I don't know about you but if I'm eating on public transportation and I get a verbal warning from a transit cop to stop, I'm gonna stop. I may not like it, but I'm gonna stop, not make a scene.

A wise man is frequently humbled.