Originally Posted by lone wolf
Very nice Job Mark!! Looks like you having a great time.

Tom, it was a good hunt!
Weather humped us a smidge for a couple days with high sun and mid 60’s temps. We sweated our asses off putting down the foot miles checking cuts...This morning was 10 degrees cooler with some rain/cloud cover...I picked up a decent herd at 9:30AM today 3/4 mile away heading into a high ridge lined with timber.

My pard took off after them to get within his range. He caught them, but was too gassed to hold steady on a nice bull before it walked into the timber...Several cows went through his scope, then a small, trailing spike that he gave a pass on...

The crew was pissed he didn’t dump the spike. A bunch of meat eaters on the last day of a 4 day hunt with only one bull freezer bound makes guys cranky. Grins 😎

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”