I'll be watching this thread with interest.

I had two of the earlier Ruger 9.3s and found the guns muzzle heavy for my taste. The only 9.3X62 I have presently is a trim and well balanced Husqvarna 640 on a commercial FN action. I think a lighter and better balanced Ruger with QD mounts and a ghost ring rear sight, also, would be a great set up.

I've had seven 9.3X62s, including the present Husqvarna, and all shot tight groups. None were in the least finicky. I can't imagine the new trimmer Ruger would be otherwise.

Also...We want pictures!!! wink wink

Hunt with Class and Classics

Religion: A founder of The Church of Spray and Pray

Acquit v. t. To render a judgment in a murder case in San Francisco... EQUAL, adj. As bad as something else. Ambrose Bierce “The Devil's Dictionary”