The LIEberals have been trying everything to get rid of President Trump since Nov. 16.

“Puzzy grabbing”
“Russia collusion”
“Crooked business deals”
now it’s a Ukrainian phone call

“Impeach”, “impeach” “impeach”. Like spoiled children who don’t get their way! And the LIBEral, propaganda machine is in full swing, with their “news” reports, fancy graphics, reporting how devastating all of the drummed up charges against the POTUS are.

LIEberal Democrats DON’T care about America! All you need know is they want open, unchecked immigration, AND want those same criminal immigrants to have voting rights! That right there is telling.

For all of the above reasons (even if this story is BS), it wouldn’t surprise me one bit IF they tried to eliminate our President one way or another. Any attempt should be followed by a quick trial, and public hangings! -TomT

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