I responded but I'm not sure it went through. I don't like surveys where they let you fill it out, and at the end want personal info, which is likely to be used for marketing purposes.

For me, especially with the higher end match ammo, continued and consistent availability is important. I have a whole collection of boxes of high end imported ammo, especially Lapua and Eley, that is no longer available and I don't have enough of it to take to matches. Some may still be out there but with different packaging and branding or labeling, but how do you know? There was a time in the 1990s or early 2000s when Federal made some excellent match level ammo, but then it disappeared and then some Federal showed up that was rebranded German ammo, and so it goes. I had a guy argue that all Federal was made in the USA until I pointed out the really tiny print on the brick that said Made in Germany.

Make really good stuff and keep it coming. Skip the corporate game playing.


Stupidity has its way, while its cousin, evil, runs rampant.