White oak is tough to finish in simple ways because it is so difficult to get finishes to penetrate. That is why it is THE barrel wood.

If you ever get a peek at commercial lumber prices there is an interesting note around white oak compared to red. At 4/4 and green it sells for about the same price as red oak, but when you look at dry prices it suddenly get s much more expensive, especially as the thickness increases. It takes a lot more time to dry and when it does a lot of it fails dry properly and much more of it fails to make grade after drying.

With that, consider hanging it out in the weather with one side protected from the weather. It is in need of something to help it dry uniformly. It is really a poor choice for siding. It is a shame, too, because it is outstanding wood for what it does well...

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.