Strange night so far. Riley called me a while back and he was watching transformers blow in the area of DeArmond and New Seward. Three or four in quick progression and instantly dark neighborhoods.

Trying to smoke some turkeys and the folks below me lose power (regular occurrence for them- overhead lines) and it gets really dark outside! Suddenly I see a bunch of kids headed down the hill, single file. It seemed strange to see them in a storm like this and walking a bit weird. That was when it hit me they were not kids. Three bull moose, maybe 50, easy 50, and 60 were walking single file down the middle of the road. The little light available reflecting off puddles was playing some wild games!

"Kids" disappeared and I went back to making a bucket of gravy.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.