No, I'm a bit more pragmatic than that. I support those, and only those who support me. Don't much care who's party they belong to. For the most part you can't trust the Republicans. Just about the time you think they've grown a pair of balls and are willing to stand up for what is right, they cave. On the other hand, for the most part you can trust the Democrats. For the most part you can absolutely trust them to do what is the worst possible thing for the country and then take the most insane notion to the next higher lever. I have to agree with you to a large degree about incumbent office holders. When you can make them lose they tend to have a real epiphany. Once it's too late for them to do anything for you then they seem to see your side of the argument. The problem with this is that in order to make them lose you have to make someone else win. My wife is from Chicago. While I abhor the polices it produces, I admire their political process. For the most part Chicago politicians are openly for sale. In order to gain their support you have to be the highest bidder. The good part is that once they're bought they stay bought. You don't have to keep going though the process of buying a new one each time there's an election, you just have to keep up the payments.

Go tell the Spartans,Travelers passing by,That here,Obedient to their laws we lie.

I'm older now but I'm still runnin' against the wind