Originally Posted by Fireball2
Gee fellas, I think we should start a Go Fund Me account for them to make sure they don't run short of our money. Can you imagine the maintenance costs of a place like that? I for one could skip the extra layer of roofcoat on the single wide this year if it'd help em out of their pinch. We got plenty of empty milk jugs to catch the drips for another season. Whattaya say fellas, who's wid me?

Fireball, Dude, Zero plans on maintaining the site by himself. He won’t need any white servants to cut and weed the field acreages, or maintain the house. Since his place is near the water, he will use his God powers to reverse rising sea levels while he “owns” this place. He appreciates your concerns, but has many other demented dem lackies to take care of him.