Originally Posted by IndyCA35
I ended up leaving my binocs in camp after the first or 2nd day. The PH and trackers spot game before I do anyway and I don't need any more dead weight to carry. It's not like out west where you glass to find game.

I'm with you Indy.

I didn't take binos to Zim this past August and did not miss them one bit.

I think a lot depends on what and where you are hunting...but for my PG in the Eastern Cape and DG in the BVC, I was fine not switching back and forth between binos and rifle.

My PHs were happy because that was less movement by me, to spook game. Plus I focused more on my rifle handling.

I can see what I need to see with the naked (62 year old) eye or through my scope when time to shoot.

Different strokes for different folks.

USMC 0351

We know the price of everything and the value of nothing.