Originally Posted by wabigoon
It's another pagan day Jim. It walks around the calendar.

Bunnies, and eggs are an old symbol of new life. "Easter" was the old pagan goddess, small "g'", of fertility .

I much preferer Resurrection Sunday.

So because some non-Christians celebrated the return of longer daylight and the promise of spring Christians can't use that symbol, that time of year, as the promise of salvation? Or symbols of renewal of life, eggs, bunnies as a symbol of being born again, all because some pagan thought of it first? Does that mean because other religions celebrate life Christians can't?

My, what a dower, sad religion. And here I thought the promise of salvation and particularly the fulfillment of that promise were joyous times to be celebrated to the fullest.

The key elements in human thinking are not numbers but labels of fuzzy sets. -- L. Zadeh

Which explains a lot.