Originally Posted by keith
If you want to cover your scent, contact George at:


My family has been using his product for over 10 years without coyotes or deer smelling us, the product is orderless.

I have rattled up many bucks to my tree stand, they circled and walked off If they were not shooters. I have had many deer bed down within feet of my ladder stand, they did not smell my back pack or my tracks around the stand. Many coyotes have crossed my path walking to a stand with NONE ever smelling me.

I have killed 8 coyotes with a pistol because they never smelled me, GP100 and Kimber 45 ACP.

George has an amazing product, it is inexpensive, about $20 for what you will use during an entire season.

I am in no way affiliated with Geoge, just a dedicated predator and deer hunter. Hog hunters will really benefit from a lack of scent also.

I emailed George he did not reply.

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