Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by RoninPhx
complaining about the prices is silly, don't buy one of you can't handle it.
i just got an email today from a major distributor. A moisin for 329bucks.
remember when they were about 50bucks?

I got a Polish Mosin carbine for $100.00. Looks spanking new.

at one time there was a company in florida selling m38 and m44 moisin's, the carbine versions for about 50bucks or so.
they were in wrapping paper tied with string, reconditioned. I think they came out of soviet georgia. Allowed to be sold here
probably when we were trying to provide hard currency to the state of georgia.
One that i was stupid not to buy was a mauser, one of many that were stored in some salt mines in transylvania. That did have a certain
flavor to it.