Originally Posted by Mackay_Sagebrush
Originally Posted by Formidilosus

Bolt stop pin failures: I’m actually not sure how much of a real, across the board issue this is/was. No issues of it have come up in the foreign military trials, I and buddies have shot 20-30 Tikkas heavily to the tune of an average of 15,000+ rounds per action with guys that run the bolt... vigorously to say the least. In all of that, one guy had two pins break on the same gun in around 5,000 rounds. A hardened pin corrected it and no problems in nearly three times the round count since have shown up. Because of those two pins EVERYONE immediately started to purposely try and break their pins in their guns. Guys running the bolt as hard as they possibly can. That lasted for a while and then everyone just gave up as no pins were breaking.

Quoted for posterity...

300,000 to 450,000 he claims that he and his buddies have put through their Tikkas..

I love the Formy tales..


I am just surprised he needed friends to accomplish that, I would have thought he would do that himself in his all magicness! smile smile smile

Eat Fish, Wear Grundens, Drink Alaskan.