Originally Posted by AcesNeights
So apparently nobody said anything to her about it. She said they know me too well from all the various volunteer stuff we do and they’re afraid of what I’d do if they did say anything. 😁. She said she got a bunch of double takes from teachers and a couple triple takes but nothing was said. A couple of her girlfriends wish she’d have coordinated with them so they could’ve worn their MAGA stuff too but from here on out the girls are wearing it each week on a predetermined day. 👍. She and her girlfriends are going to rally her other friends and they’re going to see how many kids they can get to join them in solidarity (I hate that word though applicable) each and every week until school ends in June. She’s quite popular, plays several sports, is on the leadership council as well as student council so I have no doubt that she’ll spread the MAGA seeds amongst her friends.

Tomorrow is “Trap Tuesday”! 👍......Trap Tuesday is when I go to the trap range with the kids and they show me up. If I break 23 it’ll be guaranteed that one or both will break 24. The old guys there get a kick out of watching a 13 year old girl hold her own with the best of us out there, but mostly they like giving me a hard time.....it’s always a lot of laughs even if it’s not healthy for my ego. 😂

Thanks for the nice words guys I really appreciate the support. 👍
Excellent... Hope the kids run a set of 25s!!

Ex- USN (SS) '66-'69