Idaho has no text/drive law. Boise passed one, and it was quickly overturned in state court.

But inattentive will get you a serious ticket.

Across the river in Oregon, any use of a handheld device will cost you $300 if I remember the sign along hiway 21 correctly.

Different folks have different capabilities. Hell, my youngest daughter at 35 years can barely herd her car down the county road. Heaven forbid she try to eat a burger or change the radio station at the same time.

I can do a pretty good job of scanning the roadway at 65 mph while calling Momma to ask if I need to stop for milk and bread on the way home from work, but I would not attempt to write a text.

And cops are expected to type on the computer with one hand and watch the monitor while driving and talking on the radio.

I like the way Idaho law works. If you can do it and drive safely, go for it.

But the Oregon law sure generates a lot of revenue.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.