1979: I was over at my cousins place under my 1971 Toyota Celica working on who knows what, when I spy two gorgeous young ladies walking across the yard with three kids between them.

I said: "Wow, who are they?"

My cousin said: "They are cousins from the other side of the family. Never mind! They are married."

That is a line I absolutely never crossed. I crawled back under the car and finished whatever chore it was we were working on.

Fast forward to 1982 and my cousin's Dad introduced me to his absolutely beautiful SINGLE 25 year old niece and her five year old daughter. Six months later we were married, and now have 3 grown kids and 10 grandkids.

I will never cease to regret that I did not climb out from under that car and meet her three years earlier.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.