Originally Posted by Ghostinthemachine
Originally Posted by JimFromTN
Originally Posted by jaguartx
Its really not that hard to get a clue. Bleck males are just over 10% (12) of the US Male population but comprise nearly 40% of the US male prison population.
White males are about 65% of the Male population but only make up 32% of the male prison population.
Hispanic males make up 12.5% of the US Male pop. But make up 22% of the US Male prison population.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) in 2013 black males accounted for 37% of the total male prison population, white males 32%, and Hispanic males 22%. White females comprised 49% of the prison population in comparison to black females who accounted for 22% of the female population.
I would expect police would be aware of these statistics.
Evidently, white criminals are either too smart to be caught, or are too smart to be caught by the cops we got. whistle

Ok, ok, just kidding.,

Obviously, people with large penises commit more crimes. It's either that or maybe they don't have the money for representation and end up with a public defender who has hundreds of other clients as well and can't work on their case more than a few minutes a week.

Commie Alert!!!!

Yes, because communists obviously make fun of racist for their fear of black penises. I believe Stalin started that.