Originally Posted by kaywoodie
Yes RG!

Would love for Mr. Leanwolf to chime in!!!!

Okay. This is from imdb.com

"In World War I, James Warner Bellah enlisted in the Canadian army and became a pilot overseas in the Royal Flying Corps, and later the Royal Air Force. In World War II he started as a lieutenant in the 16th Infantry Div., was detailed to the General Staff Corps before Pearl Harbor and became assigned to Headquarters First Division, later with the 80th Infantry Div. Still later he served on the staff of Adm. Louis Mountbatten in Southeast Asia. He was attached to Gen. Orde Wingate's Chindits in combat in Burma, also to Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell and to Col. Cochran's First Air Commandos. When he left the service he carried the rank of colonel. He was the author of 19 novels, including "The Valiant Virginians" and "Blood River".

I only met him once and that was briefly at a Writers Guild of America general membership meeting, i believe in 1973 or 1974. An older writer friend of mine who knew him well introduced us. He seemed like a very nice and personable man. He was a fine writer, however, and I've enjoyed many of his movies. He died in 1976.


"Always go straight forward, and if you meet the devil, cut him in two and go between the pieces." (William Sturgis, clipper ship captain, 1830s.)