Might I suggest a few alterations in your list based on my dated and limited deployment experience? I'd leave out the Tabasco, Motrin and Tylenol. My reasoning is that every fixed or portable mess facility will have Tabasco by the case and the tiny bottles come in most of those delightful plastic bags that individual rations come in now. As far as Motrin and Tylenol go, the Medics will have that by the ton and you just have to ask for it. What I would add is toilet paper. As you probably remember, that comes in small squares and is more suitable for wipeing off your fingers than your a.. If you happen to be fortunate enough to be somewhere where it comes on rolls, the GI issue stuff leaves something to be desired in both strength and texture. Don't forget chap stick. In a dry climate your lips will chap just as fast as in a cold one. You also tend to lick your lips more where its dry and the more you do that, for some reason, the faster they chap and crack. Don't forget the local paper if you're sending packages to anyone from your area. Those are some of the few differences between your list and what I've been mailing. Other than that I think you've got it nailed.

Go tell the Spartans,Travelers passing by,That here,Obedient to their laws we lie.

I'm older now but I'm still runnin' against the wind