Originally Posted by kid0917
My brother and I floated past Golden Horn years ago, we had been dropped off at the top of Kulik by Freshwater Adventures. We totally missed the salmon but caught some nice dollies and my best-ever grayling, I think it was 21 inches long. We ran across Justin Johns on the river, interesting guy.

Saw a wolverine at the lower end of Kulik, and had moose eyeballing our camp the first morning.

If you flew up there prior to 2013 you may have been in their Widgeon, there is a story about that plane that may interest you. That bad boy is still on the bottom of Tikchik Lake.

It's always cool to get to see a Wolverine in the wild, it's not a common occurrence. I think they see a lot more of us than we see of them, they're pretty wiley.

I've seen a few and trapped a few.

I was going up the east side of the Agulapak River one morning and one came darting out from around that cabin by the top of the river. He ran down and started across lake Beverly, I couldn't believe it, what a fool.
I had my AR with me and was always on the prowl for predators, getting a good hide here and there helped with the fuel budget.
This sucker was mine, it's a long ways across that lake and his little short legs were going like crazy but he was no match for my snow machine, he was gonna die, he was all mine.

I decided to screw with him a little bit and got up behind him as he scampered across the ice. I don't know what I was trying to do but at some point I was going to have to stop and shoot him, it wasn't like he was going to just turn around and throw his hands in the air and give himself up to me.
I think he'd have kept running til he just ran himself out, no way he was making it to the other side of the lake.

We were moving along at about 25 or 30 mph and I closed the gap and had him between my skis..
He didn't like that and it wasn't long til that sucker made a right hand turn and I hit him with one ski, my snow machine went azz over teakettle, it was on it's side with my leg under it and hadn't a clue as to where my AR had landed.

I got to my feet pretty quick, shutting the machine off while looking for my AR and the now pizzed off Wolverine all at the same time.
Once I got my schit together and had the AR back in my hands I was spinning in circles looking for the damn Wolverine.
I never saw him again, Idunno how he got away so quickly as far out on the ice as we were but he was sure as hell gone.

He could have had me for dinner if he wanted to.

They say to never tease a Weasel, well don't tease Wolverines either, might as well add Wolves to the list, it's all those "W" animals...don't tease um.......