Originally Posted by EthanEdwards
Wow. There wouldn't be anything left of Virginia but Richmond. I think that's a pretty good idea. While we're at it, why don't all the conservative counties in Washington, Oregon and California split off and form their own states or maybe even one state? Let LA, San Fran, Sucramento, Potland and Seattle form their own liberal utopian commune and go for it. They can go naked and scheit everywhere they want.
Hah, good luck with that. Upstate NY has wanted to split off from downstate {NYC, LI} for years but the state govt. won't allow it. Several border counties have also attempted to secede from NY and become part of Pennsylvania and were also met with a great big NO from NY state gov't. We don't want any part of those liberal downstate ass holes or their fugged up gov't that they force on us up here but they refuse to let us go.