Originally Posted by RJY66

Are you still doing the mostly vegetarian diet.....hows it going?

My goal all along has been to learn the healthiest way to eat. I am sort of cycling now between a good bit of healthy meat and lots of vegetables. I have been eating deer meat about twice a week so as to give it time to digest before packing in more. I also eat some tuna,sardines and salmon occasionally.

I'm down to 175 and getting leaner all the time. I have put on about 5 lbs of muscle in the last month though,or at least I am more vascular with abs showing more yet 5 lbs heavier than my low of 170.

I went from a 48-32 jeans to 29-32's now because 29" is the smallest I can find locally. I was 360 at my heaviest but say I lost 160 because I have a 330 doctor documented weight,but I have lost closer to 190-200 lbs in about 18 months. I feel better than I did at 20.

I ride my mountain bike nearly every day at least 3-5 miles and do a 15 mile ride about 2-3 times a week. I'll start another update thread and show some pictures soon,but thanks for asking.