Originally Posted by jaguartx

Well, guys like dbt and Ejp essentially hold that since we cant prove God exists, they are right and there is no God. They are too stupid to realize there are lots of truths that exist and have yet to be scientifically proven. Then, they are stupid enough to think they can convince Christians to accept that. The suckers dont know how many hairs are on their ass and they think they can convince us there is no God. That's pretty stupid.

They are too stupid to believe truthful people who say they know Christ because they have a personal relationship with the Lord but yet they believe in people like Hillary and Zero. Stoooopid.

Suckers dont know up from down and expect Christian's to believe them. Stooopid.

They cant disprove God but that's ok, they "know" HE doesnt exist but if Christians cant prove God exists

what they know is worthless.

Like I say, I dont think one of you unbelievers knows up from down. Any of you who want to try to prove me wrong is welcome to try.

You stupid suckers crow saying I am not a Christian when you dont believe in God. Ha. There can be no Christian's if there is no God.

You just admitted there are Christian's, which is to admit there is God. To Christians, there is God. Doesnt matter if they can prove Him to you. Christian's have a relationship with God. They can not have a relationship with something nonexistent.

Now, if there were no God and they thought there was, they could be wannabe Christian's and you could
ridicule wannabe Christian's, but they wouldnt really be Christian's. You have already admitted with your mouth there are Christian's.

Valsdad, show me what good is if there is no God.

Ejp, show me what up is.

There are a lot of people on this earth who never believed in God but had miserable lives until asking Him into their heart. They know He changed them. There are people like the pilot who saw a UFO, yet because many on this earth haven't, they believe they dont exist. They think that decorated officer is a liar. You know, a liar thinks others are liars like them and believe the liar and not the honest, just like the liars believe Zero but not Trump.

I pray for you liars because HE tells me to pray for my enemies. I'd just as soon you liars dont ever know Him.

Gee, I'm not a Christian I guess because I fall short and sin. Yeah, you better not be a believer. Then you too would be a sinner. Better to go to Hell than be a sinner.

The problem isn't so much your profession of Christian piety. Its that you're such an obvious fraud that makes you objectionable.
