I'm possibly more of a troglodyte than you, hanco - I have a flip phone.

I am no 'pooter geek, but I'm also not afraid to tackle unknown things when I want to get something done. Hence my decision to switch to Linux and Chromebook in the first place. Neither is an insurmountable obstacle. So far, anyway.

Checks? I use only a few checks a month, for people who don't take credit cards - our maid, for example. Or to mail in tax payments. So I still need to write checks. Quicken did the job for upwards of 20 years for me but it does not run in Linux. MyMoney is pretty close to Quicken but its check formats are crap. I have now fixed that.

Pardon me while I sip a congratulatory martini while simultaneously patting myself on the back!

Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult.