What BarneyFife and Daveman are saying. Barney Fife seems to have the same experiences as me. I bought a kit but ended up having mine rebuilt last year. Guy said it was better than going to a new cheaper Echo so if going Echo - take the advice and get a 'real' one with the bigger engine..

I don't have acres to cut or mow with my stuff. I use premixed because I might only go through two or three cans in a summer and it stores a whole lot better. I am even using the 4stroke fuel from the hw store. Yeah it is more expensive but the new Honda likes it and want yo keep it happy. I don't have ethanol-free place near me. Costs me an extra what ....ten - fifteen bucks a year? Plus removes the beating of a gas can and mixing and Ace is even closer than the gas station.

When a country is well governed, poverty and a mean condition are something to be ashamed of. When a country is ill governed, riches and honors are something to be ashamed of
. Confucius