Originally Posted by wabigoon
I quit smoking in March of 81, I'd want to be on death's door. laugh

I quit in November of 1996. I grew tobacco from 1973 until 2000, so I wanted to support my crop, or at least that's how I'd justify smoking. Just laid them down, and walked away, actually pretty easy to quit.

Have to admit though, that a smoke with that first cup of coffee in the morning sure was good, and after a big meal, or when you were trying to calm your nerves. I smoked mostly Marlboro's, some Winston's, and a brand called Buck's that was on the market for a while. When I quit, I was smoking Winston Lights' and I still have the half a pack of them left that I had in my pocket when I laid them down. I kept them as a reminder of how my stupid I was to have spent all money on smoke, when I could have bought some cool guns instead.