Originally Posted by Robert_White
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by akasparky
Originally Posted by Robert_White
Originally Posted by akasparky

Yeah, ever kid needs a drugged out whore for a mother, that'd be the life......

By your way of reasoning all three year olds of derelict mothers should be shot.

I have a question for you Robert.

How many unwanted children have you adopted?
How many have you just opened your door to even temporarily in their time of need?

Is he not answering because his answer would be a whole number less than one?


Let me show you how easy it is to answer this question.

In my case the answer is 2, and that was on top of the 5 kids I already had at the time.

Your diligence and or my accused dereliction is a false argument and you know it.
Because you adopted two black kids, does not equate to justifying the mass murder of over 60 million helpless children.


Again, the majority of Americans don't accept your definitions relating to this subject.

Additionally there's a fundamental difference between families deciding what's least bad for their circumstances, and government forcing it's decision upon them.

As an economist, one of my core philosophies is that is something important to you YOU DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT WITH YOUR MONEY.

If you are not willing to fix it with YOUR time and YOUR money, then it's not really important to you.

Your unwillingness to take personal action in this area, and do I like I have, and actually make a real difference in the lives of real kids, with my time, and my money, and not just sit around bitching about statistics demonstrates a fundamental difference between me the Atheist, and you, the Christian.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell