They say that a good predator call imitates the sounds of a baby crying. Lots of distress and high pitched screaming. The more angst the better!

When the kids were young I used to take them coyote hunting and we really slayed them. Some days we'd get four or five coyotes and be home by noon. Yeah, we had some great times back then. As the kids got older, the hunting really fell off. Some days we'd go all day w/o a single coyote.

Over time, I learned you really need to stick to taking very young children predator hunting and leave the teenagers at home. For one, they're lighter to carry in the field, which is nice. We all carry too much gear anyway so a 100 pound weight savings is huge. You can throw a few extra brewskys in the pack with a little planning.

Borrow your sisters little kids or swipe the neighbors little brat because when you twist the ears on the little ones they really wail. The sound carries for a mile and can penetrate 1" steel plate at 50 yards. As a general rule of thumb once a child learns to cuss their usefulness as a coyote hunting partner are about nil. It's just not effective. Time to search out other options.

I think too many guys are tempted to use their own kids into adolescence out of sheer laziness, not wanting to nab a youngster out of a grocery cart from the market or whatever. Seriously, how incredibly lazy do you have to be to handicap your own coyote hunting trip by not wanting to grab a kid somewhere before you go? Do you stop for beer? Well, look around, there's probably an unattended child somewhere between you and the checkout counter for crying out loud. It's called The Grab and Go Market for a reason. Coyote hunting is all about maximizing opportunites and it starts on the way there. Besides, let's face it, an unattended child is a neglected child. You'd be doing the poor kid a favor by helping him (or her, we're all equal here right?) get the attention they so desperately need. If you don't take them hunting, who will? The absent and utterly unavailable parent in the market? I think not. You. You and only you are that kids best hope. If not you, then who?

Take a (very young) child hunting today, what a rewarding and productive time for everyone involved. *Bonus Tip- It's probably best to tie the little tike up while on stand to avoid any unncessary movement, coyotes are very keen to that. Think zip ties. Light, easy, durable. A coyote callers friend.

Spending quality time with your kids is irreplaceable, until they're teenagers and you just want them to move out already, but remember, there are needy kids out there too that are just starved for some love and attention and would die to go hunting with an older, experienced mentor like you.

Don't sell yourself short, you have a lot to offer a young child.

An 8 dollar driveway boy living in a T-111 shack