Guys that offer you a $200 gun straight up for your $1300 rifle or the ones who want pictures, all info, load data, a dozen or so texts about your rifle for sale then say it's even nicer than you described but don't make an offer at all.

I remember the day I quit doing gun shows. I was selling silver and had about 2000 ounces with me. Spot was $14 and I was asking $14.50. All the other guys there were at $16. One guy kept coming back and hanging out for ever saying he'd buy some if I have it to him at spot. I said I already know I have the best price anywhere. He must have thought spot meant retail because he kept saying he never pays over listed price.

This went on for about 4 hours and my friend said you've got to do something to get rid of this guy. So I said watch this to my friend, then I told the guy OK I'll sell at spot. He then got all excited and took $14 out of his wallet and bought 1 ounce. My friend said your lucky he didn't take it all. I said, I'm surprised he bought one. He'll go sell to the other dealer for $14.10 and brag all month how he made easy money. My friend said you should have done that 4 hours ago. I said yes but at least now he earned his 50 cent discount.

I then packed up my display about 3:00pm on the first day and never did anything that show again. I've got nothing against haggling as long as it's remotely close to reasonable. Not like at an Oregon swap meet where some gomer wanted to trade an old rusty steak knife with a broken handle and a broken bike chain for a 1 ounce gold eagle.
