Originally Posted by deflave
The morning talk show here is hosted by Jimmy Cefalo. You could easily paint him a liberal.

He repeatedly states on his show that if the dems don't stop their nonsense the right could turn violent. This is not a right wing nut job. He's very middle of the road on almost every issue.

Same for Joe Rogan. He's right on some things, left on others.

But he says it almost daily. If the dems don't stop this schit they're going to get themselves killed.

I don't recall any mainstream commentators saying anything similar. Ever.

Jimmy will surprise you sometimes. He'll be totally all in right wing on something, then he'll turn around and come across will some bullschit like you mentioned.

Too many helmet to helmets, maybe.

Slaves get what they need. Free men get what they want.

Rehabilitation is way overrated.

Orwell wasn't wrong.

GOA member
disappointed NRA member