I cycle a fair amount when I have time. Lately that hasn't been much. I keep to the right when possible but there have been days when I ride right down the middle of the lane and I do it on purpose. You know why? A$$holes like you are all displaying in this thread. Cyclists do actually by law have the right to ride down the center of the lane. I try and keep right but if people aren't giving me 3 feet, screw it. I am riding down the middle. My safety is not worth your convenience. Sorry, it just isn't and thats a fact Jack. I will debate anyone on here all day long about it. I have kids, I have a family. If people on that given day or in that given place don't see fit to give me a little space then I will take all the space to which I am legally ENTITLED to. I drive a vehicle 98% of the time. When I see a cyclist I try and give them plenty of room as should you. Generally cyclists don't pull out of their driveway and just start out going down the middle of the lane. Its the result of an escalation of frustration on that given ride more than likely.

People in New Jersey are notoriously bad drivers and pricks on top of that, so I can't say much negative about a cyclist who decides to take a full lane.