Well, the use to be last new bow I had was a Dan Quillon Longhunter, a 70 lber, (1992)then one day at the Bowshop...the owner got a Bowtech 60lb long, smooth target type bow, ordered by mistake he was in a dealing mood so as no tot send the bow back.. Sweet. So, I kinda had a .45 the shop owner wanted ...Shot that bow, fingers, feathers instinct-way for a few seasons. Simply fabulous. Then in Iowa, I worked at a Matthews dealer so had to shoot one in public, a Conquest 60 lb (just like the Bowtech target bow). The Matthews was more quiet, but I still liked the Bowtech,just a little smoother, maybe, kinda, would be happy ever after with either. But you dance with who brung you, so I shoot all Matthews all the time now. The Bowtech went on the used rack and it brought a small fortune to me and the new owner is pleased as well. Fine product and companies both, truthfully. Bill

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