Originally Posted by Adkstalker

3. Saratoga is not Brooklyn, Queens or Manhattan. Dont stop and double park to load and unload. This holds up traffic.

I will never forget the time , while driving in the Bronx, that someone cut off our van and trailer (we were delivering one that had broken down) because they wanted to TRIPLE PARK in front of us. Yeah, just seemed like a good opportunity to them, since the whole block on our side was already double parked. shocked They cut in front of us, slammed on their brakes, and ran out of their car into a store...

I will never again drive in NYC, especially while towing ANYTHING. Meanwhile I get job offers in NYC all the time making 3 times as much as I am now. Not worth it, by a longshot.

Meanwhile, the finger lakers, the adirondaks, those areas, really nice, with reasonable people. Too bad they are ruled with an iron fist by the downstaters