They brought in the chopper and gunners over by one of our places a couple months ago due to the clamor of some farmers. Flew out a bunch of acres and killed 33 pigs. No telling what the price per pig was to the taxpayers for that little foray. Our place is less than 4 miles from the area they gunned and I shot up a sounder there less than two weeks later.

I don’t think the aerial gunning thing pencils out on pigs.

There’s no easy answer until they get a poison or something worked out. Until then, unless they are just really thick, if you’ll just go shoot them up they’ll relocate for a while. One place I have that borders a creek that is a travel corridor for pigs I can count on shooting a sounder up every three weeks to a month. That’s about how long it generally takes for a new bunch to move in and set up shop. If everyone that bitched about them carried a rifle in the truck and shot them up when they saw them they’d stay on the run.