We have deep and systemic problems with our government agencies. These problems have been glossed over for years now and have been allowed to grow unhindered. The Ruby Ridge and Waco incidents are examples of huge federal overreach. Now the coup against a sitting president. It must be stopped. The only way to heal this wound to our constitution is to eliminate the problem and completely punish those that defied the law.

Ken Starr refused to indict Hillary because it would be too much of a scandal to indict the wife of a sitting president and look where that led. If Barr and Durham let it pass unscathed it will only get exponentially worse. They must tear the agencies down and start over. It won't be easy and it won't be pretty because there will be people connected to the mess that nobody ever thought could be but it must be done.

It's up to us to clean up congress by eliminating incumbents that have made a career of stealing tax money for their own gain. People like Dianne Feinstein that has worked for the Chinese government their whole career must be removed. Democrats in general RINO's as well as establishment hacks. It ain't business as usual.