Originally Posted by stevelyn

Not only that, but they were fake, non-existent, made-up and uncodified charges to begin with. Statutorily they aren't defined and don't exist as US Code, and none of the so-called "witnesses" could provide any first hand information in their testimonies . The reason for that was that they knew if they were to testify to their information being first-hand knowledge, they could be charged with perjury. By "admitting" they didn't actually see or hear anything first-hand, the most that could happen to them is that their testimony be ruled inadmissible as evidence.

How can you be "charged" with something that is no harm no foul?
So if the charges were made up shouldn't the case be thrown out?
Isn't this really just a continuation of the temper tantrum that started right after the results of the election were announced?
They were really charging him with hurting their feelings and "offending" their sensibilities when The President won the election which the democrats thought they had rigged six ways to Sunday. (Hence the "spoiler alert" t-shirts)


"If memory serves fails me..."
Quote: ( unnamed) "been prtty deep in the cooler todaay "

Television and radio are most effective when people question little and think even less.