Originally Posted by Old_Toot
Originally Posted by doctor_Encore
I was a scout making to "Life" rank....didn't Eagle due to car fumes and perfume. Made sure my son "Eagled" and he did, Now I have four grandsons in scouting so going around a second time to insure my grandsons "Eagle" as well. We have an excellent troop with committed leadership.

Since returning to scouting I am impressed with the about of young boys who want to learn how to shoot, fish, shoot archery and camp. I'm all in. You create an outdoors mans one kid at a time.

I CHALLENGE ANY CAMPFIRE MEMBER HERE WHO SPENT TIME IN SCOUTING IF YOU REMEMBER YOUR SCOUTMASTERS NAME? Most old guys do regardless of your age. My point is with so many years that have passed "YOU" still remember your scoutmasters name......kinda tells you the influence scoutmasters have on a young
boys developing years.

There is not one campfire member here who cannot have a positive influence to a young man's life in the outdoors... and I say to you .."WHY NOT?

Mr. D. Allen and Mr. J. Quinn.
Both were WW2 Airborne (101) combat veterans.

Thank you for helping proving my point......