Originally Posted by Poconojack

Originally Posted by Cheesy
Originally Posted by Triggernosis
Don't sand it, don't grind it. Instead, take a propane or MAPP gas torch (a mini torch would work perfect) and heat it until the glass starts to melt - it will smooth right out. It should only take about 15-30 seconds of direct heat. Then cut the flame and let it cool naturally at room temperature. Seriously, it will work like a charm.

That's how we "polished" the ends of glass rod and tubing in the chemistry lab, except we usually used alcohol burners instead of torches.

That’s the first thing I thought of as well.

Wouldn’t this subject the glass to severe thermal shock?

This is likely soda lime glass - plain, ordinary, glass.

Laboratory glass is borosilicate glass and has much better thermal shock resistance.

The lamp will almost certainly crack/shatter with the application of a torch.

If you take the time it takes, it takes less time.
--Pat Parelli

American by birth; Alaskan by choice.