Originally Posted by Thegman
Originally Posted by ratsmacker
If the Dems take the nomination away from Bernie this time and run Bloomingidiot, I think he will run as an Independent, and split the vote. I don't think his posse will let them get away with that this time. I really hope the Dems are that stupid.

I think Trump will win, anyway, but I'd love to see another 49states/1, like the drubbing Reagan gave Dukakis.

I was thinking about this the other day. Bernie and Bloomberg split the vote pretty evenly, President Trump wins the popular vote by a large margin and all 50 states. OTOH, they might somehow pull off a Bernie/Bloomberg ticket to try to keep it together. It will be interesting to watch...

and what will be really awesome will be seeing the States that voted to give their electoral votes to the popular vote winner to Trump. HaHaHaHa

Luke 22:36
εγώ δεν θα συμμορφωθεί