I've been watching the coronavirus page John Hopkins university maintains.

A couple days ago it showed 15 people in the US confirmed. Yesterday that was 29. There was a story about 14 people from the Diamond Princess cruise ship who had initially been symptom-free being flown to the US mainland to complete their quarantine time. According to the story, they were transferred to a facility near Kansas City, MO.

Today the John Hopkins page shows 15 in the US and I can find no reference to those other 14 transferred to KC in the news articles. Some mention of part of them being sent to Travis AFB but that was not their final stop as of yesterday. For some reason, the story seems to have been squashed.

Something smells wrong. For the first time, I'm actually a bit concerned because it looks like our government is covering up parts of the story.

Anyone who thinks there's two sides to everything hasn't met a M�bius strip.

Here be dragons ...