When I worked in the solder plant, we had a cadre of big burly guys. I was one of them. When it came time to show someone the edge of the parking lot, they'd grab a couple of us and escort the fellow to his vehicle. I don't remember ever seeing or hearing of the trouble, but I was told that the custom had arisen for a reason. I volunteered for my own boss and a co-worker that were both laid off.

I always tried never to make a fuss about leaving. Because of my job in IT, it's usually not a good idea to leave people to wait out the 2 weeks. You're sent packing right away. When the time came, I always tried to make it cordial, no matter what the circumstances. Cincinnati is a small market. Folks talk. Doing a swan song is not a good idea.

Genesis 9:2-4 Ministries Lighthearted Confessions of a Cervid Serial Killer