Back in the late 1940's my father was the first man in Nashville Tennessee to work on automatic transmissions. In 1958, I attended a class he was teaching for other mechanics in the area on rebuilding the Dual Range Hydra-Matic transmission. When I passed the end of course test, General Motors sent me a certificate stating I was a certified Hydra-Matic technician- - - - -at age 12! Dad had a saying that I totally agree with- - - - -"Automatic transmissions are smarter than all drivers and most mechanics- - - -there's no way to get one in the wrong gear!"

Now before some of you snowflakes flame me- - - -I also learned to drive a B-73 Mack with a Tri-Plex transmission- - - - -two shifters- - - - -15 forward gears and 3 reverse! And I can parallel park an 18 wheeler!

Ignorance can be fixed. Stupid is forever!