Originally Posted by wabigoon
That is fair enough, just tell me, what do you see that makes a good sermon?

Originally Posted by gregintenn
Most good sermons won’t get seen, because a good man does them just because they are the right thing to do; not to draw attention to himself.
This ^^^^^^^

I'll share one. Wife's late uncle. Born in the mountains in ~1919. Owned nothing but the shirt on his back until he went into the Army during WWII. Worked as a laborer when he got home. Eventually retired after 33 years as a millwright. No children. Lived simple. But, he and his wife invested their earnings. Ended up with a nice little nest egg. Would quietly help others inside and outside the family as needs came up.

Wife and her sister took care of him after his wife passed. Two years ago, at age 98, we were in the hospital. He was on the final slide. At that moment, it was just he and I in the room. He motioned for me to come over. As I leaned in, he asked if I knew of anyone in our church family that he could help out? Anyone that had any needs?

The man was literally on his death bed. He would pass in the next 48 hours. But, one of his last lucid thoughts was to see if there was someone else he could help along the way...