Just a quick perusal of "bannination's" post history tells all you need to know.

From the time he/she/it became a member here over a year ago now, every single post he/she/it has made from the first to the most recent has been anti Trump / anti-conservative Republican in nature.

Not one single post made yet has been pro-gun, shooting, hunting, fishing, camping, general interest or anything else outdoor sport/hobby related...

They come here when they learn that the Campfire is predominately a conservative Republican membership forum and is a minimally moderated free speech and opinion forum where they won't be banned for political trolling, unlike their favored pro-liberal socialist Democrat forums were pro-Trump / conservative / Republican / America and Americans first opinions are quickly removed and posters banned from posting again.

Must be some kind of, "Look at me -- I'm a keyboard liberal socialist hero", feather-in-the-cap, thing for them to go back to their favored liberal socialist forums and brag how they disrupted this forum.

Of course though they never mention how they get their asses handed to them time after time.