There's very few posters that I wish would smarten up. Leader of the pack is Little Sprout. He seems like he may have a lot of useful experience, but like Pochantas he talks down to people, can't make a whole sentence and uses code words and excessive exclamation points. I can live without his experience if he wants to be that way. Hint!!!!!

Steelhead, always seemed to have a chip on his shoulder, but he seemed like a good dude. Then he retired, moved to Tennessee and married. Somewhere along the way he became very bitter and his commentary deteriorated. The people he fought with should have kept it private. Whining on here, trying to win support for your side is a juvenile move. Put him on ignore. I've put lots of people on ignore and my blood pressure is way down. Be the bigger man, forgive and forget, move on.

Pretty much the same for Deflave, our clown prince. If he teases you and you don't like it, tell him to stop. If he continues, ignore him. Arguing in public makes you look like a wuss.

I'm sorry if some slight from a forum member was addressed to a family member, that is dirty pool. However, ignore and move on. What has the fighting gained you Fireball2 and Tom264? You both look smaller as a result. Let it go.