Ironically, 85% of our antibiotics are made in China, as well as the N-95 masks. 45% of everything China exports comes to the USA. A lot of their factories are shut down. Fiat in Italy is running out of parts made in China and will have to lay off their workers in 3-4 weeks. I have been keeping up with this for a month. Finally the government and news media is taking note.

If you are retired, stock up on food, meds (even if you have to get your doctor to give you extra perscriptions), etc, in case you have to stay at home (self quarantine to keep from getting the virus).

If you are not retired do the same thing in case your job is shut down, or they have to close schools, stores, etc.

Basically you become a prepper. If you can find N-95 masks buy them, if not you may have waited too late.

Stay away from large cities, college towns with lots of Asian students, Stay out of crowds, ballgames, even church if you have to.

Get the flu and pneumonia shots if you haven't already. You don't want any side infections when your body is weak with the disease if you get it.

This virus is in the same family as the AIDS virus. It has about a 3-6% kill rate if you get the virus. If you get serious symptoms with this virus it kills about 65% of the time. It shuts down the air sacs in your lungs with fluid behind the air sacs not in them. The only people who survive severe cases have to be put on a ventilator and force their breathing, most have to be put to sleep because they can't handle being forced to breath at the rate needed to overcome the virus.

Don't travel to any country that has this virus. I think the government needs to stop all travel to and from these countries except of emergency personnel and supplies.